How to easily speed up Windows boot by eliminating slow down startup programs?

Version 9.20.2024.0626 June 26 2024

Use this step by step guide

STEP 1 - Download BootRacer (free utility)

STEP 2 - Install BootRacer

  • Double click on the
  • Open bootracer.msi

STEP 3 - Click on the Boot Time Test button

Start Boot Time Test
Ask Yes to reboot your PC now.

STEP 4 - Enable Startup Control

  • Open BootRacer.
  • Click on the Enable Control button
    Enable Startup Control
  • Set the checkbox "Enable Startup Control"
    <li>Set the checkbox
    Click on the checkbox to set it on.
    Click on the checkbox to set it on.
    Click Next.
  • Enable Measuring the Program′s Time to Start.
    Enable Measuring the Program′s Time to Start
    Click Restart your PC.

STEP 5 - Find out the Total Time used by Startup Programs

Open BootRacer main screen after finishing boot-up process.
See how much time you saved without running of startup programs:
See how much time you saved without running of startup programs:

STEP 6 - Find out which programs slow down Windows startup

Click on the "Find out which programs slow down startup"

Startup Programs - Time to Start
Investigate the worst slow down programs in the list :
Investigate the worst slow down programs in the list

STEP 7 - Stop slow down programs

Click on the Control Startup Porgrams button
Click on the <b>Control Startup Porgrams</b> button</b>
Clear check boxes for programs which you want to disable at Windows startup.
Disable Startup Programs
Don′t worry! You can easily get back using Undo button (1000 undo steps).

Enjoy BootRacer!

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