Using the Rescue

Rescue allows you to easily create the backup copies of your registry or system files on the hard drive, network or floppy disks.

Make a backup copy of your registry before any registry operations!

Superior product!

RegRun automatically sets up the Rescue to make everyday registry backup into "Backreg" folder on your hard disk. You will receive backup store immediately after installing RegRun Suite.

Automatic backup benefits:

  • You always have the latest version of your registry.
  • Smart algorithm used to manage backup storehouse allows you to decrease the amount of used disk space.
  • Easy way to restore registry.
  • You can restore the registry from yesterday or from last week. You can always get a working backup.

Smart algorithm of storehouse:

  1. Last six days backups;
  2. Three last weeks backups;
  3. Three last months backups;
  4. Three last quarters backups;
  5. Last year backup.
Rescue automatically delete unnecessary backups to free disk space.

Fully customizable

You can create custom scenarios and add any files you want to backup.

You can any number of screnarions.

If you want to execute backup scenario, run Rescue.exe with scenarion name as parameter.


Rescue uses Microsoft Cabinet File format for storing backups. It allows you to restore backup using Rescue or using standard Microsoft expanding tools: "extract.exe" or "expand.exe".
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