Manual removal instructions:


APPCHECKVERSION.DLL is reported and classified as malicious program (malware). APPCHECKVERSION.DLL actively resists detection and employs a number of techniques to ensure that you cannot remove APPCHECKVERSION.DLL from infected computers.

How APPCHECKVERSION.DLL got on your computer?

Phishing is the most common way for malware to infect computers. It could be a fake email message that appears to be originated from Microsoft Customer Service, eBay, PayPal, Amazon, or even your bank or insurance company. Fake emails that appear to come from the police, the FBI and other government entities were also reported. APPCHECKVERSION.DLL could also infect your computer by exploiting a security vulnerability of your Web browser or one of its plugins. If this is the case, APPCHECKVERSION.DLL would be injected into a Web page, and could get to your PC when you visited a malicious or hacked Web site. APPCHECKVERSION.DLL can be distributed with legitimate software that is repackaged by the scammers. It could be downloaded from warez Web sites or download archives.

How do you know you have APPCHECKVERSION.DLL on my computer?

APPCHECKVERSION.DLL works in background. It does not appear as a window, does not have a shortcut. APPCHECKVERSION.DLL hides its existence from your eyes.


It may not be easy! Be careful! Make a full backup of your PC before starting.

Use this guide to remove APPCHECKVERSION.DLL manually:

STEP 1: Uninstall APPCHECKVERSION.DLL using Windows uninstallation applet (use Add/Remove Programs or Uninstall Program or Apps & features).

check installed programs to uninstall

STEP 2: Open Task Manager and close all processes, related to APPCHECKVERSION.DLL in their description. Discover the directories where such processes start. Search for random or strange file names.

Remove APPCHECKVERSION.DLL virus from running processes Remove APPCHECKVERSION.DLL virus from running processes.

STEP 3: Inspect the Windows services. Press Win+R, type in: services.msc and press OK.

Remove APPCHECKVERSION.DLL virus from Windows services Remove APPCHECKVERSION.DLL virus from Windows services.

Disable the services with random names or contains APPCHECKVERSION.DLL in it's name or description.

STEP 4: After that press Win+R, type in: taskschd.msc and press OK to open Windows Task Scheduler.

Remove APPCHECKVERSION.DLL from scheduled task list.

Delete any task related to APPCHECKVERSION.DLL. Disable unknown tasks with random names.

STEP 5: Clear the Windows registry from APPCHECKVERSION.DLL virus.

Press Win+R, type in: regedit.exe and press OK.

Remove APPCHECKVERSION.DLL virus from Windows registry Remove APPCHECKVERSION.DLL virus from Windows registry.

Find and delete all keys/values contains APPCHECKVERSION.DLL.

STEP 6: Check your shortcuts on your desktop and in the Start menu for APPCHECKVERSION.DLL presence. Fix infected shortcuts.

STEP 7: Remove a virus from Google Chrome.

STEP 8: Remove a virus from Internet Explorer.

STEP 9: Remove a virus from Mozilla Firefox.

STEP 10: And at the end, clear your basket, temporal files, browser's cache.



Dmitry Sokolov:

I created UnHackMe in 2006 to fix the problem that antivioruses did not fix: detecting rootkits.

Since that time I work every day to fix the issues that antiviruses cannot.

If your antivirus have not helped you solve the problem, you should try UnHackMe.

We are a small company and you can ask me directly, if you have any questions.


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